“Venom 3: The Last Dance” hit theaters on Oct. 24, marking Sony’s final franchise installment. Directed by Kelly Marcel, the movie showcases the dynamic between protagonist Eddie Brock, played by actor Tom Hardy, and his symbiotic friend Venom. The movie is filled with humor as the duo’s relationship has grown from the first two movies. The visual effects were also good with the action sequences.
The story, however, left much to be desired as far as the main villain is concerned. Throughout the movie, the antagonist is only seen a select few times with not many lines. Instead, they used alien minions and military forces to derail Eddie Brock and Venom. The story seemed to veer away from where the previous movie left off, with Eddie wanting to see Spider-man to just go to New York to clear his name.
The transitions throughout the movie seemed rushed with Eddie and Venom getting from point A to B with no real plot in between. The background characters in the movie also didn’t serve much of a purpose other than filling random roles for the feature. The movie had small sentimental scenes that made you feel remorse for the characters, but they really put an emphasis on explosions and cartoonish violence to propel the movie.
The ending definitely feels like the last time you will be seeing Hardy and Venom together, though the scenes after the credits teased that they would be continuing with the antagonist in the future. “Venom 3: The Last Dance” seemed awkwardly overstuffed with moments that really did not amount to any real storytelling and really just focused on the humor of the duo. The film did not connect with the grand scheme that the comic books have put forth for the characters and it left something to be desired as far as the inclusion of other Marvel characters into the franchise.
If you are looking for a movie to watch with the family and have a good time for a movie night then this movie definitely does that. For the hardcore Marvel Comics fans this movie might not push the envelope as far as the story is concerned. With the hype that “Deadpool & Wolverine” brought for Marvel, “Venom 3: The Last Dance” surely had some big shoes to fill.
The next Marvel movie set to release on Feb. 14, 2025, is “Captain America: A Brave New World.” Fans will have plenty of time to get ready for the next Marvel adventure.