Active Minds Adviser Suzanne Khambata coordinates with students in order to make the club successful in spreading awareness of mental health and solutions to stress and anxiety. The Active Minds meetings took place on Dec. 3 and Dec. 6 in the Student Services building in room I4-210, right next to the Comfort Tent setup that was relocated on Dec. 5.
The club offered free pizza to students who signed in at the entrance of the Active Minds meeting. Students had the chance to come in and discuss their mental health concerns with counselors. This activity helped improve the moods of students struggling with depression or discomfort.
Active Minds posted a flyer reading, “Join us to build awareness and to change the conversation about mental health,” welcoming all who wanted to take a breather and communicate issues with mental health professionals.
Students lined up to grab some food and make friends with caring individuals. This type of social experience helped students unwind and make themselves feel more at home with the campus resources made available to anyone who needed assistance or someone to talk to.
Mesa displayed poster boards and flyers around the Student Services building to give students a view of what dealing with mental health is really about. This event taught students to never be afraid to ask for help when in doubt of life’s situations.
Students wrote notes to victims suffering from harassment or mental health challenges and made sure to spread kindness and comfort to those who needed it. A table in front of the Active Minds meeting room provided pamphlets and flyers that offered guidance in life management skills.

Mesa invites students to write caring messages for victims of terrorism.