A long time ago when people faced problems such as a mental illness, it was not widely discussed.
In recent years you can’t seem to get through a TV show without a commercial for Clinical Depression, Anxiety and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
The amount of people being diagnosed with these conditions has sky rocketed. As well as the medications that go along with them.
The doctors, psychiatrists and pharmaceutical companies are mostly to blame for this dramatic increase in pill prescriptions. It seems as though we treat everything now, without question, with some kind of pill.
The number one over diagnosed ‘disease’ today is ADD and ADHD.
The meds prescribed for these conditions are usually Ritalin and Adderall. These drugs are stimulants that can sometimes be dangerous and addictive and are prescribed to children starting around age five all the way to adults.
There is a book called “ADHD Fraud” by Fred Baughman Jr. MD, that says about 500,000 people in 1985 were diagnosed with this “disease” so to say and today the numbers are between 5 and 7 million.
Psychiatrists and doctors are pushing pills on people as the answer to life’s problems, when they should really be recommending their patients to talk it out and seek therapy before turning to medication.
Sometimes with sickness, if not serious, our body just needs to naturally fight things out, antibiotics might not always be the best way to go. When it comes to pain we rely on pills like Tylenol and Advil to ease our discomfort. An excess amount of these pills is terrible for our liver.
Many times these pills often have terrible side effects. As with Ritalin and Adderall sometimes they will also prescribe you a pill to help you come down from the medicine.
I had a friend who was prescribed to a high milligram dosage of Adderall and another pill to reverse the Adderall’s side effects. So now your taking two pills in your mouth everyday? Adderall and Ritalin also curve your appetite and with guys it may decrease stamina. Now, honestly you are going to give up that for a pill that helps you pay attention?
“Whether or not any psychiatric drug, or combination of drugs, makes us more adaptable and efficient over the long-term, is simply not known and should not be urged upon the public as though it were.” said Fred Baughman Jr. MD in his article Neurologist Calls for Surgeon General’s Resignation Over Mental Health Report. “All such drugs are brain-altering and brain-damaging and have deleterious effects over the long term.”
When you start taking a pill to treat something like depression, do you ever reach a point where you can just get off the medication?
Eventually after taking a pill for a while you build a dependency to your medicine and you feel like you have to take it to function. But this is not the case. Learning to live with your problem without medication may be the best and healthiest choice you can make for yourself.
If you are thinking about starting a medication, seek out other alternatives first and talk to some people who have had the same problems