San Diego Mesa College is honoring students who are deserving as well as hard working students with scholarships this Friday April 24 at the Mission Valley Marriott. So many students from all around the world know the major struggle that comes from the expectation of going to further their education on to college.
However, with that come a big problem that no one wants but most students have to deal with; financial aid. A student is awarded financial aid or they are not, it all depends on what your parents get in terms of their finances. And if a student is independent is just depends on how much they make. As a student trying to attend college this is a very big deal. Fortunately, there is a way out of that awful feeling of not receiving any money for school and that way is through the wonderful world of scholarships! Indeed they are a gift from generous people that care about the youth and their future as it is of great importance.
Scholarships really are an immense help to students who come from low-income households, or are completely on their own and really desperately need the help. They don’t have the money to be able to attend college. It is all very difficult and quite sad because there isn’t much help out there. Either way, most college students end up in debt anyway because they had to resort to taking out loans and just borrowing money from the government all the time. They end up having to pay back that money for most of their lives and it shouldn’t be like that, especially in America; the land of opportunity.
Luckily, scholarships are something that doesn’t have to be paid back. They are given and mostly earned by studious and responsible students who are in need of big help. It’s an honor to be selected for a scholarship as it means a student did their best and it paid off. It must be such a burden lifted off their shoulders. It is an amazing feeling to be set and not have to worry about money for college.
It is interesting how this banquet scholarship awards is only for dessert and not an actual dinner as it used to be. It’s baffling because unless you are a recipient of an award, you must pay for entrance. Up to $25 for what, Dessert? It’s a bit ridiculous and the banquet is also at 6 p.m. who wants dessert at that hour? For something as importance as these awards, it is strange the way they decided to celebrate these students’ success. They at least deserve an actual dinner and dessert.
Regardless, this is about the students and their celebration of all their achievement such as this one, receiving a scholarship.