From left, University of California, Berkeley student Shannon Thomas, 21, former student Nicoletta Commins, 22, and student Aryle Butler, 20, prepare to speak during a press conference at the Graduate School of Journalism in Berkeley, Calif., on Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2014. Thirty-one female students have filed a federal complaint against the university, claiming Cal violated federal anti-discrimination laws by failing to protect them against sexual harassment and assault. (Jane Tyska/Bay Area News Group/MCT)
San Diego Mesa College is now making it a mandatory thing to take sexual-harassment courses online before attending a college. Now, it feels and seems as if the district is forcing it upon students who may or may not care for such a topic being that it’s a very sensitive topic.
However, there are some pros about it. After all, knowledge is power. It wouldn’t really hurt to know a few things incase there is ever a situation in where you need to defend yourself in any way or even to help someone else.
A lot of people, as was mentioned before, probably still wouldn’t want to partake. It is understandable as to why they wouldn’t but at the same time, what do people have to lose by participating? If anything they gain something, like learning about physical harm and emotional state, defending themselves or others, helping or knowing what to do if they witness something.
Perhaps they all sound like things people already know about but it may be more helpful and there could be a lot more to it and it could really teach people a few things that they didn’t already know. It wouldn’t just be a waste of time like most students might think.
What’s even more interesting is that not only will the students need to do this and learn about sexual-harassment but so will the faculty and professors. They are already quite knowledgeable individuals, otherwise they probably wouldn’t be teaching; therefore the fact that they have to do this as well may be a hint as to what news is to come from this whole thing.
The thing is, everyone has something to learn by doing this. And there are people who believe that it shouldn’t be mandatory and perhaps it shouldn’t but again, what do people have to lose by doing this? There really isn’t much to lose. Maybe people think it would be a waste of their time but people should just get on with it and do it when they do have time to spare. It really wouldn’t be time-wasting, if anything, it’s being productive and learning a thing or two about a very serious cause.
People shouldn’t be making such a fuss about it. It’s all for the safety of the public and that’s why people should just do it and stop trying to fight it. It’s like if a parent makes their child dinner and the kid refuses to eat it because he or she is a fussy eater. It doesn’t make sense because all that the food will do is nourish them. Kids need food, it’s a necessity therefore they should just get on with it and stop turning their nose up at it. All it’s going to do is help.
This is mandatory for all students and professors, there’s nothing to lose here but a few minutes of your time. It’s only to ensure people’s safety and in this society it’s essential that people know a few things about this topic. Especially college campuses where unfortunately, there are more offenses than people would think.
This is a great idea because all people can do is continue learning in order to help each other out.