Although everyone fancies the idea of setting more gun control laws, anyone that chooses to posses a gun will find their way to get one. It is like trying to come across drugs or alcohol; where there is a will, there is a definite way for someone to have access to the certain thing you want to own.
If there are new laws in place, who is to say that that everyone possessing a firearm will actually adhere by the laws set? No one is positive that new laws that are placed will have a huge change in the number of mass shootings happening in the United States.
Another thing citizens must take into account is the fact that the new laws have to e enforced in the first place. All it takes is enough people within the government to oppose the idea of stricter gun laws for them to not put the laws in place anyway.
Limiting who can own a gun to people without noted mental instability is not enough to reduce the amount of mass shootings. Anyone could claim to not have mental issues, and still legally acquire a gun and commit heinous mass shootings like what we have seen as a nation.
The General Social Survey has conducted a research that firearm ownership in the United States has been declining, but one-third of the households in the United States still own a firearm. Although there is this decline, people still own guns, and can continue conducting mass shootings.
In 2013, the Pew Research Centered conducted a poll on whether or not mass shootings changed people’s views on gun control. The study showed that the idea to protect the people’s right to own guns did not change between three of the nation’s largest shootings; this was most likely from the idea that possessing a firearm made citizens feel safer in the case of another shooting happening.