Student Athlete Denise White drives an interesting life on and off the basketball court.
This talented basketball player is enjoying every minute on the court as a team member and a leader.
White is a focused hard worker who’s motivated to lead her team to victory and success.
Nov.11 was the first kick off tournament leaving White with an MVP award.
Her inspiration to play basketball began with her parents. It was a family sport that all the family could enjoy playing. She officially started playing when she was in fourth grade. Her dad was a former basketball player in high school, which made the bond of playing a lot stronger.
“In high school I had a tough coach, so I’m used to structure coaching says White “I’m always hardworking and motivated to go play.”
Coach Michael Hootner refers to White as a very complete player. She plays four different positions and is a wonderful asset to the team.
“She probably the most complete player I’ve ever coached, from attitude to effort to ability” says Coach Hootner “She’s a quiet leader and an amazing student.”
Team aspect and unity that has grown between the White and her team members has captivated her in to always giving effort and dedication.
“It’s like a family, we go in the gym and were together, we’re out of practice and we hang out” says White “We’re always together creating good friendship with the girls.”
Denise White has proven to be a talented basketball player, a leader, and a reliable friend. This will be her last year at Mesa College and plans to move out of state to keep the basketball dream alive representing a university. She’d also like a job in Fine Art.