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The Mesa Press

The Mesa Press

The independent student news site of San Diego Mesa College.

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The Mesa Press

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The Mesa Press

Anna Pham

Anna Pham, Staff Writer

Anna is a staff writer for the Mesa Press. This is her first time writing for any kind of publishing team and hopes to gain experience as a journalist. She started her first year at San Diego Miramar College and then transferred to San Diego Mesa College during her second year majoring in Hospitality, but then realized that she wanted to try something else. After taking a break for two years, she decided to major in journalism as of Fall 2021, hoping her skills as a writer can help her find a career she enjoys. She was born in San Diego, California and has lived there her whole life. She is Vietnamese but can also understand and speak some Japanese. She hopes to study more as a side hobby. Exploring different food places, painting and gaming are also some of her favorite hobbies. She also has an adorable corgi named Nero. Anna plans on graduating from Mesa College with an associate’s degree for transfer and hopes to finish her education as an undergraduate at CSU Long Beach in the Fall of 2023. She also hopes to start her own blog and aspires to become a food critic.

All content by Anna Pham
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