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The Mesa Press

The Mesa Press

The independent student news site of San Diego Mesa College.

The Mesa Press

The Mesa Press

Brandon Quintero

Brandon Quintero, Staff writer

Hello, my name is Brandon Quintero, I love staying active as much as possible. I’m hoping to transfer out or if things go back to normal even recruited and be blessed with a full ride. So until then I am fully focused on my education while squeezing in some intense training when I can. I love recovery days when my body and mind are worn out which means cheat meals and movies/TvShows all day. My playlist consists of Country/Hardcore Metal/ EDM/pop/r&B/Street Rap. writing has never been a strength of mine but I’m hoping by the end of this semester I will have made Chloe Sullivan and Clark Kent from Smallville proud.

All content by Brandon Quintero
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