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The independent student news site of San Diego Mesa College.

The Mesa Press

The Mesa Press

The independent student news site of San Diego Mesa College.

The Mesa Press

The Mesa Press

Renee Schmiedeberg

Renee Schmiedeberg, Editor-in-Chief

Renee is Co-Editor-in-Chief and Digital Editor of the Mesa Press. In addition to reporting, she produces the podcasts, videos and oversees the Facebook and Snapchat. When she isn’t ceaselessly hounding down the latest news at Mesa, she’s listening to music in a dark room, ignominiously effusing over gel pens, finding ways to veganize cultural foods, or writing about you in her diary.





All content by Renee Schmiedeberg
Tesla will only accelerate us 10 feet into the future, and into the next traffic jam.
Photo credit: MCT Campus

Tesla will not save us

Renee Schmiedeberg, News Editor
December 16, 2019
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