Hearing a certain noise, seeing a simple action like a scalp massage or having your hair, brushed, that tingly sensation you get down your back.
The occurrence is known as ASMR, “autonomous, sensory, meridian, response.” Many for you will have never felt it before, and isn’t surprising as only a few people can actually experience AIE (Attention induced Euphoria.) Since the sensation is only limited to a few people, there seems to be a lot of controversy surrounding it.
Some scientist like Steven Novella, the Director of General Neurology at the Yale School of Medicine, discusses the concept of the neurodiversity of ASMR. Mentioning that the complexity of the human brain behavior, makes it a great possibility that ASMR is real. Categorizing it as a pleasure response. But still denies the existence since there is no solid evidence.
There are others, for example Psychiatrist Dr. Michael Yasinki who supports the legitimacy of ASMR saying, it is similar to meditation and yoga that some individuals do for relaxation. From the studies that Dr. Yasinki has conducted it shows that ASMR, shuts down parts of the brain responsible for stress and anxiety. Having the receivers tense go away, inducing the tingles that help dissolve stress and tension. Still, with the lack of scientific evidence that could prove that ASMR is a legit physiological phenomenon, unfortunately it comes down to the claimed benefits from personal accounts of individual perception.
ASMR is still a rare and strange occurrence indeed, but for those of us in the community that feel it, find its effects refreshing, hypnotic and addictive. It’s understandable that to many people who don’t experience these tingle, the videos that are associated with them on YouTube, look ridiculous and weird. Since there is a sense of intimacy that a person can have with the viewer, that can cause a powerful ASMR, and to people who don’t understand d the concept of ASMR flag these videos as inappropriate. But as more research is being done, more information and understanding will be available to people who know nothing about it. Bring the ASMR community into the light.